Hello World,
So, yesterday my time line on Instagram and Twitter was filled with story of a supposed scam in raising money for a sick lady.
The lady in question is battling stage 4 Ovarian cancer, and an appeal was made via social media to raise funds to her personal account and Gofund me account. A famous Nigerian actress was quite instrumental in creating the awareness. In total, sums far exceeding the N32million and $100,000 target was made within 4 days of appeal.
Yesterday, the same actress that shared the video appeal of the sick lady, came out to say it was a scam, that though the lady is sick, the medical report she presented was fake. She involved police, and stated that doctors did not give any referral for treatment abroad and the case is beyond treatment....., it's quite a long story but that is the summary.
The story was published by a famous blogger and then some, instigating all sorts of reactions, mainly negative, some have abused, and placed curse on the family, while some are demanding the money be returned among other out pours.
So what's the essence of this post? Why am i talking about this?
Simple, i have not been able to get my head around this very traumatising situation that is being treated as the next hot topic.
The lady in question is beyond doubt sick, there are videos and photo evidence to show that; she is less than a shadow of herself. I don't have close enough experience or information about cancer, but i know of a couple of people that have battled or are battling cancer at some stage or the other. And even if i don't know anyone personally, information in print,video, pictures etc abound on the internet about this plague called cancer.
Cancer of any form, or stage is not a pleasant diagnosis. Needless to say it is draining physically, emotionally, and of course financially. I do not know of any medical practitioner that will downplay cancer. Even if the lady could afford the treatment, just seeing herself in the mirror is enough to kill every fighting spirit she might have, the physical pain i believe remains untold, but she is trying and keeping faith irrespective. Just looking at her, without seeing her previous pictures is touching and nerve wracking. I think the least we can do as a people is not to worsen her emotional state with the stories, abuses and curses flying around. Even if the claim that are family is manipulating her situation to make money is indeed true, the lady here is a victim. Yes, she is dying, but she is fighting for survival, let's not kill her will by joining in sharing this scam story.
I must confess, i did not put a dime to her account, not because i did not want to. Truth is the very morning i sat down to follow her story and decided to add my widow's mite, and invite some friends and family to join me, i learnt the target was surpassed, so i immediately notified everyone i had invited to contribute to her cause. Would my view be different if i had contributed money? NO.
After seeing pictures of this gaunt lady, i was going to contribute without demanding medical report or further evidence.
I don't need a medical report to tell me this lady needs as much help as she can get, be it in prayers or with cash.
Most of the people that donated, i guess never saw or took a look at her medical report when they decided to help.
I think anyone that wanted evidence based cause to support, should have done their homework before contributing to the cause. There's no point crying over spilled milk.
Okay, let me put this out here, I do not support the use of false reports in any form, that is a crime and should not be condoned. I did not follow through on the family's counter story about the "scam" but i have heard they have denied it's a scam and told their side of the story.
All said, i think the under listed are worthy of note in my opinion:
The narrative might have changed, but the lady remains sick.
She is dying, but she is not dead, so defiling doctor's opinion to seek 2nd and 3rd opinion should not be crucified as much.
It takes courage to beg, or come out to ask for help, sharing what would have been kept private if the funds were available.
Anyone that has ever believed in second chances, miracles, and power of prayers should be able to relate with this family,that is doing all they can to ensure their daughter, sister, wife and mother survives this ordeal.
If you have ever held on in a relationship that wasn't working hoping things will change you should understand .
Anyone who has ever watched over a sick loved one, hoping and praying for healing and survival should understand.
Anyone who has ever lost a loved one to one illness or the other, wishing he or she did all that could be done should understand.
I have heard of instance of a mother bringing her dead child to the hospital, hoping against hope.
If we truly cared about her, i think our prayers should be about her recovery. Recent update was that she is set to travel abroad for treatment today.
This is an appeal to us all, in all the drama going on, let's not loose our humanity, let's stop fuelling negative vibes that would discourage helping one another irrespective of our differences. I decided not to mention names or share links to the story, in respect of the sick lady. i'd instead pray for her to scale through this hurdle, who knows she might tell her story one day.
Yes, we can't rule out that some people would be deceitful and all, but let's not lose hope in giving.
Now i came across another appeal for a cancer patient, a gofund me appeal was created on 27th for her, and unlike the earlier case, it's day 3 and she has raised less than 1000pounds of the 30,000pounds target. I hope this 'scam' story doesn't deter us from doing the good in us, Please, let's do whatever bit we can to help this young lady, be it donations, referral, here is the link to her gofundme appeal: https://www.gofundme.com/2gmfwzh4
Now i came across another appeal for a cancer patient, a gofund me appeal was created on 27th for her, and unlike the earlier case, it's day 3 and she has raised less than 1000pounds of the 30,000pounds target. I hope this 'scam' story doesn't deter us from doing the good in us, Please, let's do whatever bit we can to help this young lady, be it donations, referral, here is the link to her gofundme appeal: https://www.gofundme.com/2gmfwzh4
Let's remind ourselves of the good reasons we give. My faith particularly encourages charity, selfless giving, not for accolades, but because it is seen as an investment with the Almighty for greater reward to be earned in this world, and hereafter.
Faith aside, it's good to give, because no one knows what tomorrow holds; if, and when we might be in need, not necessarily of money. Because we all at some point in our lives could do with little acts of kindness.
I pray for everyone going through one form of ailment or the other, may the Ultimate Healer heal you completely and i pray for strength, patience and all resources for the respective families, and for those that currently have clean bill of health, may your story never change.
Thank you.