Friday, September 30, 2016


Thank you for visiting this page and reading this post, this will be a long read, but i will really really appreciate if you read through it all.

This post is about a former colleague and friend of mine, Tessy.  Tessy and I were colleagues at my first job. At the time, we weren't quite close perhaps due to our different personalities. Tessy is reserved while i can be quite the opposite. Over the years, most of my then colleagues, have gone beyond colleagues to friends, infact we have become some sort of family unit. A family unit to which Tessy belongs. Yes, Tessy is reserved, but she is very smart, strong, has a good sense of humour, and a lover of food, especially Amala like me.

Both our last pregnancies were about the same time, we used to compare notes on baby bump, weight gain, work-life balance etc. We used to jokingly refer to one another as inlaws because our babies are of opposite sex. Months after childbirth we resumed discussing weight loss plans that won't stop us eating Amala. From time to time we chat and catch up either on bbm or when we see.

Not to bore you, i realized one day that i hadn't seen or heard from Tessy in a while, and i was told the sad news that she was diagnosed of breast cancer and traveled to receive treatment in U.S. I was shocked beyond words, i remember crying as i drove home that day. I worried, cried and prayed for her recovery, but i was too scared to even talk to, or send her a message. It took another friend's intervention before Tessy and I got talking again. Tessy told me, she didn't say a word about it to me because she knew i couldn't handle it. And yes she was right, i was unlike Tough cookie Tessy. She is one of the strongest persons i know, her resilience is unbelievable. She was strong, she had hope, and to the glory of God she fought and defeated cancer. She was declared cancer free late last year and resumed work in December 2015 or sometime thereabout.

I remember vividly how i drove excitedly to her office on her first day back at work, the office had a kind of welcome do for her. Everyone was happy, pictures were taken etc. Life was back to normal, Tessy and i continued our irregular chats and talks, we planned to have an Amala date, and thereafter resume the weight loss journey when she was ready.  Office was the easy and lazy route for me, but, I kept planning to pay her a visit at home, but i didn't because of the crazy Lekki- Ajah traffic.

So there i was, still postponing my promise to visit, and our Amala date, when i got the shocking news that she had to return to the U.S because of cancer. The cancer was back, or got worse, whatever it is i don't even want to understand it. All i know is Tessy is battling cancer and needs money for treatment. If Tessy had her way, not a soul will know about her battles, but as it is, she needs help, huge help for that matter. She needs about $250,000 to cover surgery and associated treatment.

Friends and family have tried to support, but there is only so much we can do, without crowd funding. A gofundme account has been set up for her: .
Direct payments can be made to her zenith bank account in Nigeria: 2020255462- Theresa Amadi-Obi.
This is a call to help, whatever you can do, will go a long way, no amount too little. This is not just an appeal for funds, but we need to reach a very large audience, don't stop at donating, help share Tessy's story.

To be honest, drafting this post made me cry, i had to pause on it for couple of days. I decided to share Tessy's story, hoping to reach a large crowd, and also because people are understandably wary about what or who they don't know. People have asked me if, and how i know Tessy. Tessy's story is as real as can be, to be honest, it is as close to home as can be for me and most of my then colleagues. I don't know anything about Tessy that ideally should put her at risk. But then i am not sure cancer is targeted at specific people. She didn't see this coming, and that is just the reality of life, sometime life just throws us curveballs. When that happens, it is always good to have support of friends and family. Please let's help Tessy as she deals with this curveball.

I pray that the Almighty heal Tessy and rid her permanently of cancer or any other ailment, and i pray for everyone reading this, may you be free of illness, and worries. Amen.

P. S:  To donate or share Tessy's appeal, kindly visit 

Thank you
Asmau Eniola Yusuf (Neeolla)

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hello, i am back


You know that nervousness you feel when you see or about to see perhaps an old friend after loosing contact for years? When you are not sure if you will still "click", when you are wondering if he or she has changed, or perhaps, you are the one that has changed? Well, some may know this feeling and some may not.

What has that got to do with me? Well, i sort of feel that way right now. I have been away from Neeollas Corner for so long, i do not know how to stage my come back post. I do not know how to start or what to say, trust me whatever you are reading now is the aftermath of lots of typing and deleting. I think owe an apology to all the friends, loved ones and audience that have faith in me and looked forward to my posts. I am sorry, i really am. I was away for a reason or two, within, and beyond my power.

Okay one of the main reasons i didn't post anything at some point was because of PRESSURE. Yes you read it right, not pressure from anybody but from myself. I put undue pressure on myself and i stopped typing or writing. This medium brain (i presume it's medium sized) has processed a lot of  ideas, stories, etc but i kept telling myself: it's not good enough, its not the right post, it's not the right time for this post, would it be appropriate etc.? On Facebook, i used to post random thoughts, experience, one-liners etc without thinking twice about it. It was my page, i was free and i think based on that, a number of friends encouraged me to put pen to paper, or should i say fingers on keyboard.

With Neeollas Corner, subconsciously, i stifled myself, i have a larger audience, (hopefully) so i wanted perfection, i set standards for myself and refused to post anything that falls below my imaginary standards.

So what has changed, i asked myself recently? I am the same person, Neeollas corner is as much my space as any of my social media pages. I had to talk to, and remind myself, i am not in competition with anyone. I write, or scribble because i enjoy it, and also because i have been encouraged by close family and friends to keep at it. Would i write if no one was reading it? Yes i will and i do. I scribble on notepads, my phone. I can't help it, it is what i do. But just because of the exposure, i allowed myself to be intimidated into silence. However, i have decided to keep at it, some days i will have interesting posts, some days dull or no post, some days long post and other days, i might just post a smiley to say i am very much around.

The essence of this long post is to encourage myself and others alike to learn to let go of inhibitions. Whoever and wherever you are, don't be stifled by the desire to fit in, to compete with another or impress people. Sometimes, the people are not even looking, but busy dealing with their own inner battles.

In the words of India Arie.."Just do you". Whatever it is you love or are passionate about, go ahead and do it, as long as it does not involve hurting another soul, and it is not any form of civil, moral or religious crime. Quit worrying about society, and what the ifs. The only thing that does, is stifle you.

That dream you have been chasing, if resources permit go right ahead and live it. It may or may not work as planned, ovation may or may not come. But the good feeling you get cannot be taken from you.

Okay, so after all is said and done, i want ovations, sitting, standing, clapping name it all. Yes we all can do with a word of encouragement.

Please read my next post, it is a somewhat personal and emotional one for me.

Monday, August 22, 2016

A little some


I haven't been here for some days now thanks to the little going-ons in my life.

As usual, i have like a lot of stuff, i want to write and to be honest i have written many of them right there in my head, but getting it down in e-ink has just not happened, due to one thing or the other.

Anyways, pending when i am able to transfer the write ups in my head to actual posts, here's a little something i like to share.

Times will come when you are going through that phase when you struggle to appreciate happenings in your life, and dwell instead on what can, what could etc? When the devil, or some force would have you moan about the one thing in your life that is going south, the one thing(s) missing in your life, or your one last step to happiness.

Here's some word of encouragement:

Don't give in to that negative feeling, take time and reflect instead on the many blessings you enjoy, look around you and appreciate all that is going well for you. Remind yourself that life is in phases, and whatever hardship you are going through will surely pass. Also think about how many people out there that would give almost anything to have what you have.

Friday, August 12, 2016


Hi, sorry it's been quiet out here.

I was very busy this past week, and when not busy, I was taking a chill to reduce my headaches. Yes, I do get headaches from time to time but I mostly don't take anything for them except to drink lots of water, get some shut eye or soak my head in water and if all that fails, grab a pair of scissors and cut off my hair so the scalp can get "air time". I do occasionally take medications if it gets consistent, or unbearable. However, I prefer to not take medications.

Okay, not dwelling on headaches, treatments and causes here. I want to talk about Medications, or drugs as we  like to call it in my part of the world- Nigeria that is.

You may relate with this, if like me, you have a thing or two against meds, or you just might not.

I have more than a thing against prescription or over the counter medications. To me, there's just something very unappealing about those little, and sometimes not so little devils in tablets, or caplets form. Not only does looking at them turn me off, the smell of some, and most especially the bitterness just kills me.

I asked this question once: is there an unwritten law that medications have to be bitter and unappealing?. I remember loving this vitamin syrup - Becombion as a growing child. We all loved it, simply because it tasted nice. I mean I would happily pop pills if they were like skittles, Maltesers or even our back in the day GOGO. But no, they have to be rectangular, chalk-like, big circular tablets, and mini cylinders. I wonder if the pharmacists just decide, lets put this bitter stuff in it so the recipients can understand no pain no gain. Is the bitterness a primary component that cannot be tampered with? or there just has not been any thought put into making the medications tongue, and gut friendly.

I have had quite some experiences, I will share a couple:

Back in Secondary/High School, I had Malaria fever and went to the school clinic. The nurse on duty decided they were running low on injections to treat malaria; so because I did not look like I was about to pass out, she decided I was to be given Chloro-quine tablets. For those that were not 'fortunate' to know about Chloroquine tablet, it came in the form of tiny pills with the worst possible taste ever.  I tried to argue my case that I could not take it, but they were not having it. Eventually, I made an attempt to swallow the pills under the supervision of the nursing assistant, but it was a futile attempt as everything came right back out from my mouth and even my nose. I think it splashed at the attendant who sent me off angrily.

Same thing repeated itself on another occasion when I was given the same Chloroquine. You would think that after the second episode,if there was no injection available, the nurse would have nicely told me to go back to the hostel or maybe assign me a bed in the clinic to rest. We had an understanding, no Chloroquine or other tablets for me.

Over time I realized that I could not continue to dodge or spit out medications like a baby, so I made friends with Eba or any available food that could be molded nicely to hold my medications and swallow conveniently after taking a swirl in draw soup.

Life was good until a time, back in England, when I was in the hospital.I can't remember my specific complaint, but the doctor handed me some pills and  assigned a bed for me to rest till the 'Meds' took effect. For those that are familiar with the foreign way, you may have an idea of the size of the 'cup'  of water I was given to take the Meds. I didn't know what to do, so I asked for more water. The nurse gave me a surprised look, but nicely got me more water. So here I was, stranded in a hospital abroad, in need of my faithful Eba and soup but how do I tell this Oyinbo nurse? I knew I could not attempt to swallow and spit it all over the place as that would be very embarrassing. So I pretended. Drank just water and managed to wrap my meds in tissue and laid in bed. After 30 minutes or more, when the meds should have taken effect, the nurse came back to check on me. I lied that I was feeling better while hoping there was no way to test if the meds were really working.

After what seemed like forever, I was released to go home, armed with my pain and wrapped up medications. It wasn't until I got home that I was able to take the meds with Eba. Hubby did not quite get it. He found it ridiculous that I snuck my meds out of the hospital rather than take it immediately. He still doesn't get, in fact I doubt he ever will. But good thing is that he does not hassle me over it. As a matter of fact, he encourages me to make a batch of Eba on standby anytime I have meds to use for a couple of days.

Yup, that is me, that's just the way I'm wired. I hate meds, never liked it, never will. I can barely tolerate it and the few times I have taken meds without Eba, I did with perhaps more than half a bottle of juice and then I felt it stuck right in my throat. My doctors know that unless it's absolutely necessary, they don't give me tablet, or caplet medications.

Okay, if you are wondering why I am sharing this story, lets just say I am hoping

1. Someone would read this and be inspired to make the greatest invention of  
    our time - yummy replacement for every bitter medication out there.

2. This link will be shared till it gets to the right people who can and will make that invention.

And also because I am planning to soon share some home remedies I have tested, and some really unusual ones I have heard or read about.

 Here goes an unpaid announcement: Miss Tee, thanks for introducing me to 4head and if you're reading this, please be informed that i am out of stock, and would really really appreciate your help with new stock. Thank you.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

My Child

Some things don't change in life

No matter what happens

Just like a monkey will be same always

To the mother, a child remains dear to her heart. Always!

My child will always be dear to me.

Sometimes, i want to hug my child and keep just to myself and no one else

I want to protect and shield my child from unknown forces

Other times, i am more than happy to introduce my child to all that cares

Not because i am proud and boastful

But because seeing people admire my child

brings joy to my heart and makes me smile, inside and outside

To everyone that has shown appreciation of my BRAINCHILD, i say thank you.

I had a dream - A poem

Many years ago

I had a dream

Not of gardens and fruits, nor of cakes and Sweets

I had a dream

Not of knights in shinning armour nor of mansion and castles

I had a dream

Not of a tall dark and handsome man

But of the perfect one of me

In my dream.........

he was smart, but not condescending

he was strong but not violent

he was kind, yet firm

he was fun, yet focused

he was hardworking and responsible

he was faithful, and committed

he was patient enough to know and understand me

he looked at me, and was rid of all doubts

he knew i was the ONE, as i him

So when my dream became reality

It was not hard to recognise

Not the perfect man, but the perfect man for me.

The man of my dreams

Wednesday, August 3, 2016



If i shared a post that i have an amazing mum, you may be wowed or not, simply because she is my mother, and it is expected that a mother sacrifices for her child, but i  believe if i say my mother in-law is amazing and deserves a blog post, you would want to know my reasons.

I shared this story about my Mother in-love on a private group, so i reckon why not share same to a larger audience.

I prefer to refer to her as Mother in-love, because she has shown me uncommon love.
I would start from the very beginning and pick pockets of events that showcase her awesomeness.
Hubby while we were dating, mentioned that the only thing his mum can't stand is laziness,"if you are not lazy, you can't have a problem with her". I am neither lazy, nor super hardworking but I know what's due morally and culturally, so I wasn't fazed by that.
MEET THE PARENTS- On my first visit to the house,she had prepared her signature Egusi soup, after pleasantries, she went to the kitchen to pound yam for us. I offered (jokingly) to help her with the pounding, knowing fully well that I couldn't pound if my life depended on it. She refused out rightly and hubby told her not to mind me as I didn't know how to. She laughed without taking offence at me and my 'joke' and sent us off to the living room.
THE WEDDING- After Nikkah (Muslim wedding rites), a day prior to the wedding reception, culturally I was expected to sleep over at theirs since the union had been solemnized. MIL knew how much I preferred to go sleep at the hotel, so she arranged with my best friends and a family member to sneak me out without the knowledge of the women and extended family members that were around for the wedding. Yeah how cool is that?
FIRST PREGNANCY- MIL moved in with us about a month to my EDD with the view that i can pop anytime in between. During the wait, she asked to be shown around my kitchen ahead of my delivery, so she can sort cooking. She went with me for my weekly appointments at the hospital, a fan believer in pre-delivery exercise, we took daily walks within the estate, gisting, discovering beautiful architectural works inside Lekki. on one of such walks, my slippers cut and MIL insisted that I swap with hers, I refused but she was adamant, stating my pregnant condition as excuse. I almost cried but I made do with thanking and praying for her.
To shorten this episode,I put to bed via cesarean almost a month after her arrival, she bath both baby and I, washed my panties and cooked. I have a phobia for circumcision, but she happily took him in for circumcision; I refused to go near my son's diaper, i couldn't even look at or nurse his  circumcised penis till he was completely healed. She did all that. When I had infection on the CS site, she was with me all through the hospital visits, she would ask me to express breast milk so I could sleep while she feeds him, she spent a total 3 months with us, only took a week break in-between to spend time with her hubby while my mum took over. Mum is a school principal so couldn't take long periods off work.
2ND PREGNANCY- Same old routine only this time it's February and in cold weather London. I remember when she said we should start the stroll like we used to, I didn't feel up to it, but she kept saying I shouldn't be lazy. Off we went but after some minutes of chilly wind she suggested we go back home )) I got home told hubby and we both teased her just a little.
Anyone that knows me well, knows my addiction to noodles, but imagine my sweetest surprise when like hour or more after I left recovery, MIL came bearing a cooler of hot noodles. She said she knows how much i love it, but she hoped that she made it to my taste. Trust me she would naturally prefer to pound yam or something but she simply brought what was to my liking. She actually wanted to follow me to the operating theatre, but hubby had to,while she watched over our first child.
As usual circumcision runs,bathing, washing, cooking were sorted by her. Weeks after my surgery, I insisted on bathing myself, I did, and came out the bathroom feeling dizzy and she blamed me for not letting her bathe me. I resolved after a while and when she had to do Medical check ups to resume cooking and that was about 2 weeks before her return to Nigeria. And just before she left she made us a large pot of Egusi to last us for weeks after she had gone.
3RD PREGNANCY- Similar routine, mum was able to spend more time this time, especially after I had complications and had to go in for corrective surgery days after the CS. Tough time it was (another long story) and both mums gave their 190%.
Is that all my MIL does? NO.
She once told hubby to make sure he gives time to the children's homework and stuff and stop being all work work work.
When I was without help for like a month and with 3 boys to attend to. MIL will talk to hubby that he can't leave the task to me alone. Afterward she will call to tell me, she has spoken to him and hopes he's complying.
During my sister's wedding, I stayed at my parents for the period, MIL brought food over for me, and naturally my long throat sisters too.
She makes it a point of duty to thank hubby and I, for everything myself or even hubby gives her. It doesn't matter if I was there when he gives her, if she calls, she is saying thank you to me as well. No entitlement mentality whatsoever.
My mum adores,respects and prays for her. She refers to her as her big sister. My dad says she is a very wonderful mother in-law. My parents both speak well and pray for my parents in-love as they are both amazing.
My FIL is the real MVP. He has 4 boys and a girl. Over 10 years ago, he went to Saudi Arabia for hajj and bought jewelry for his daughter and guess who else? He bought 4 sets of jewelry for his sons' future wives. At that time, they barely had girlfriends. So now that I am blessed with all boys, I have decided I'd keep buying jewelry, by God's grace my first gift to my DILs will be a pair of 'vintage' gold earrings.
And hubby's only sister?!!! She's phenomenal, let's just say I have the most amazing in-laws
Okay I don't and can't thank her enough, but I do pray for her and them all. I also pray that I am blessed with the right resources to do as much as she did or more.(at least be able to afford hands to the physical ones, because even at this age, I can't match her energy levels). I pray as I age, I don't forget what I enjoyed and that my DIL will one day say nice things about me.
My MIL is Nigerian, Yoruba, Kwaran, Offa (with tribal marks actually), and she is amazeballs.

So here i am saying, a good woman is a good woman irrespective of their
One thing I know for sure is she has a good relationship with her hubby, so i guess there's no room for bitterness or transferred aggression.
Thumbs to the amazing in-laws out there, may we have them, may we know them, may we be them

Friday, July 29, 2016


Hello World,

So, yesterday my time line on Instagram and Twitter was filled with story of a supposed scam in raising money for a sick lady. 

The lady in question is battling stage 4 Ovarian cancer, and an appeal was made via social media to raise funds to her personal account and Gofund me account. A famous Nigerian actress was quite instrumental in creating the awareness. In total, sums far exceeding the N32million and $100,000 target was made within 4 days of appeal.

Yesterday, the same actress that shared the video appeal of the sick lady, came out to say it was a scam, that though the lady is sick, the medical report she presented was fake. She involved police, and stated that doctors did not give any referral for treatment abroad and the case is beyond treatment....., it's quite a long story but that is the summary.

The story was published by a famous blogger and then some, instigating all sorts of reactions, mainly negative, some have abused, and placed curse on the family, while some are demanding the money be returned among other out pours. 

So what's the essence of this post? Why am i talking about this?

Simple, i have not been able to get my head around this very traumatising situation that is being treated as the next hot topic.

The lady in question is beyond doubt sick, there are videos and photo evidence to show that; she is less than a shadow of herself. I don't have close enough experience or information about cancer, but i know of a couple of people that have battled or are battling cancer at some stage or the other.  And even if i don't know anyone personally, information in print,video, pictures etc abound on the internet about this plague called cancer.

Cancer of any form, or stage is not a pleasant diagnosis. Needless to say it is draining physically, emotionally, and of course financially. I do not know of any medical practitioner that will downplay cancer. Even if the lady could afford the treatment, just seeing herself in the mirror is enough to kill every fighting spirit she might have, the physical pain i believe remains untold, but she is trying and keeping faith irrespective. Just looking at her, without seeing her previous pictures is touching and nerve wracking. I think the least we can do as a people is not to worsen her emotional state with the stories, abuses and curses flying around. Even if the claim that are family is manipulating her situation to make money is indeed true, the lady here is a victim. Yes, she is dying, but she is fighting for survival, let's not kill her will by joining in sharing this scam story.

I must confess, i did not put a dime to her account, not because i did not want to. Truth is the very morning i sat down to follow her story and decided to add my widow's mite, and invite some friends and family to join me, i learnt the target was surpassed, so i immediately notified everyone i had invited to contribute to her cause. Would my view be different if i had contributed money? NO.

After seeing pictures of this gaunt lady, i was going to contribute without demanding medical report or further evidence.

I don't need a medical report to tell me this lady needs as much help as she can get, be it in prayers or with cash.

Most of the people that donated, i guess never saw or took a look at her medical report when they decided to help.

I think anyone that wanted evidence based cause to support, should have done their homework before contributing to the cause. There's no point crying over spilled milk. 

Okay, let me put this out here, I do not support the use of false reports in any form, that is a crime and should not be condoned. I did not follow through on the family's counter story about the "scam" but i have heard they have denied it's a scam and told their side of the story. 

All said, i think the under listed are worthy of note in my opinion:

The narrative might have changed, but the lady remains sick.

She is dying, but she is not dead, so defiling doctor's opinion to seek 2nd and 3rd opinion should not be crucified as much.

It takes courage to beg, or come out to ask for help, sharing what would have been kept private if the funds were available.

Anyone that has ever believed in second chances, miracles, and power of prayers should be able to    relate with this family,that is doing all they can to ensure their daughter, sister, wife and mother          survives this ordeal.

If you have ever held on in a relationship that wasn't working hoping things will change you should understand .

Anyone who has ever watched over a sick loved one, hoping and praying for healing and survival should understand.

Anyone who has ever lost a loved one to one illness or the other, wishing he or she did all that could be done should understand.

I have heard of instance of a mother bringing her dead child to the hospital, hoping against hope.

If we truly cared about her, i think our prayers should be about her recovery. Recent update was that she is set to travel abroad for treatment today.

This is an appeal to us all, in all the drama going on, let's not loose our humanity, let's stop fuelling negative vibes that would discourage helping one another irrespective of our differences. I decided not to mention names or share links to the story, in respect of the sick lady. i'd instead pray for her to scale through this hurdle, who knows she might tell her story one day.

Yes, we can't rule out that some people would be deceitful and all, but let's not lose hope in giving.

Now i came across another appeal for a cancer patient, a gofund me appeal was created on 27th for her, and unlike the earlier case, it's day 3 and she has raised less than 1000pounds of the 30,000pounds target. I hope this 'scam' story doesn't deter us from doing the good in us, Please, let's do whatever bit we can to help this young lady, be it donations, referral, here is the link to her gofundme appeal: 

Let's remind ourselves of the good reasons we give. My faith particularly encourages charity, selfless giving, not for accolades, but because it is seen as an investment with the Almighty for greater reward to be earned in this world, and hereafter.

Faith aside, it's good to give, because no one knows what tomorrow holds; if, and when we might be in need, not necessarily of money. Because we all at some point in our lives could do with little acts of kindness.

I pray for everyone going through one form of ailment or the other, may the Ultimate Healer heal you completely and i pray for strength, patience and all resources for the respective families, and for those that currently have clean bill of health, may your story never change.

Thank you.

Monday, July 25, 2016

My Neighbour's Grass - My first attempt at fiction story


So i woke up this morning hung over from all of the weekend's activities. Like i mentioned earlier, i have couple of tit bits to share; however i find i am struggling with words this morning.  So, as a way of keeping up with the blog, (yes i have resolved to keep writing no matter what), i have decided to share my first ever fiction story, a story i drafted in all of 10 minutes or less.

This story has been shared with a couple of people before, so, if you happen to have read this story before, bear with me, i am just a proud Mama sharing my brain child with hopefully a larger audience.

So here goes................. MY NEIGHBOUR'S GRASS

My neighbour's grass is green.

Every time i pass by, i would strain my neck to get as much view of the lawn as i could. I would soak it all in, and make a mental picture of just how green and lush i need to make mine.

It's been 5 years and try as much as i have, it seems my grass has decided to fail me. I had gotten my local gardener to give it the magic work, i almost paid through my nose, but it just wouldn't be as lush as my neighbours'. Many a weekends,
i would
personally take time to pull weeds and prune it, but my grass simply wasn't on the same page as me. It was fine, but it wasn't as lush as my neighbours. In fact, my gardener was beginning to get at my wits end. When he is not demanding more money (like i am paying to fatten a herd of cattle), he blames it on the fact that my children spoil his efforts each time, they ride their bikes or run all over the lawn.

Shoo!! what is essence of a lawn, if my children can't play on it. I screamed so much at him the last time, and it's been weeks since he came by.

I knew my model lawn, but i couldn't bring myself to ask my neighbour what he does to make his that way. Maybe it was pride, or not wanting to accept that i failed at maintaining a lush lawn, or the fact that i just wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.

I suffered in silence, and just enjoy when i watch Junior and his cousins play footballl,and my little girl, Joy riding her bike and playing catch on it.

As faith would have it, i had a chance to enter my neighbour's compound last week. Some electrical fault sparked off fire in the house, the fire alarm went off and we all rushed to their aid. The uniformed security guard let familiar faces in, and the water was put off while 'waiting' for the fire service. I was so happy to be one of the familiar faces (don't blame me).

The lady of the house was visibly shaken, as she held on to the small infant who was wailing because her breastfeeding session was abruptly stopped. In the midst of the chaos, i caught sight of the older children all huddled up close to the nanny, who was too busy paying them no attentions. I offered to help, i took their hands and walked towards the lawn, but as we drew close, they pulled back. Perplexed, i asked what the problem was, and in robot-like fashion, they replied that they were not allowed to go near the lawn. I told them, it's okay, today is not a school day, but they stood still and would not move an inch. Before i could utter another word, the nanny rudely snatched their hands saying their dad will beat them if they get on the lawn.

With a mixture of shock and embarrassment, i apologised and made to bid farewell. My neighbor more relaxed handed over the sleepy infant to the nanny, and came over to thank everyone for their help. She touched me softly, and apologised for the nanny's behaviour. She showed me a patch on the lawn that appeared dug out. She said the children were responsible for that, and went on to say how expensive it was to maintain. In agreement, i tried to make a statement on how expensive it was, but i was caught off guard when i heard the figures involved, It was few thousands short of my monthly salary. I bit my tongue and could only smile and nod my head.

I took one final look at the lawn, i saw it wasn't as lush as i pictured. The green suddenly wasn't as green, and then i saw a patch or two of sand. My neighbour's perfect grass wasn't as perfect.

As i said bye to her, i started to appreciate my not so perfect grass. The sacrifices it took to make their near perfect green grass, i could not afford.

The joys of watching my children play on my imperfect grass would do.

Feeding my grass my monthly earnings wouldn't do.

I have decided to nurture, and love my not quite lush green grass and remind myself that my neighbour's grass is green, just as the 'price' to keep it green is high.

........................................The End

I have another story i started last week, but time and mood hasn't been right. I want to give it more than 10 minutes of my time. So, fingers crossed, i'd be sharing another fiction story on here.

Did i mention that i find writing therapeutic? I think i did, and yes i feel better having put this down. Thanks for reading my story.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Out and About


It's been couple of days since my last post, and in all of these days, I have had this blog on my mind.

I am not bored, and the excitement isn't over yet. Far from it, It's my younger cousin's wedding weekend and I am in my hometown- Ilorin, for the duration of the wedding.

It's been fun, busy and energy-zapping I must confess but we love it all the same. You know what? Now isn't exactly the time, but I do hope to some day, introduce you to my Ilorin.

I am feeling real sleepy as I type this, but I just feel whoever visits my 4 day old blog deserve a little something to say I am right here. I am full of titbits I'd love to share actually.

Also here is to say thank you to everyone who has visited Neeolla's corner, shared the link, post comments or give direct feedback to me.

For those that were unable to post comments, I believe that's okay now.

I'd be back soon by His grace.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Life Happens ...(to my old and not so old, but dear friends)

I wrote this a little while ago,but thought it share worthy, in appreciation of good old friends
Dear Friend
Life happens!
Life happened
We may not get to see to see or talk often.
But memories shared are here to stay.
All the plays we had as growing kids
All the naughtiness we got up to, growing up
All the gossiping we did at one time or the other
All the studying we did together (yeah i know those are few)
All the parties we rocked way back when
All the boys gist we shared (or didn’t)
All the quarrels and fights we had
All the escapades we had
All the good and bad working experience
All the walks and rides 
All the dreams we had and shared
All our hopes for the future
The future is here....oh well! some of it
Some dreams have come to pass
Some are long forgotten
Some are work in progress
Some still are dreams
In all our dreams and hopes,
We sometimes forget that life happens
Life happens and people change
Life happens and plans change
Life happens and time and distance keep us apart
Life happens but dear friend, you remain dear

First Day

Hi there,

Right now feels like first day of school for me.

You know that feeling you get on your first day of school, work or in a new environment?

Where you are unsure of what to expect, what to do, what the rules are, how to fit in, what next etc?

Yes, i guess there are no strict, if any rules here. Nothing i should find difficult.

But then, i still ponder on how to start, what to say, would this blog be a success?

Would i have an audience? Would i say the right things? Would i be consistent?

What is my theme?

Would i meet up to the expectations of  the dear friends that encouraged and practically set up this blog for me?

Truth is, i have been scribbling for as long as i remember, but i started to make meaningful scribbles during my university days. Where i would write stuff in my head as i go about my daily activities, and as i lay down on my bed, i'd get pen and paper to write about my feelings, observations, friends, experience etc. I''d listen to a song, and get inspired, i get inspired by the everyday things.

I find unspeakable joy in writing, it's like a totally different person takes over and i get lost in the world of writing. I don't do it for the accolade, no, far from it. I write because it's therapy for me, its fun for me. I have a lot of writings on pen and paper, that i probably never shared with a soul.

Okay, so what has changed since then? Why do i worry now about if it would be received well? Truth is, over time, i have had people give nice feedback, and actually encourage me to take up writing fully. Much as i feel good and appreciate it all, a part of me is scared of the responsibility. It feels there is an expectation from me, that i am afraid i might not meet up to.

But then again, And much as i acknowledge my fear of failure, the words of some of my friends and loved ones ring loudly in my head.

'Just start' "write anything" "you don't want to regret not doing this in couple of years" "we are here to support you" "write about your experiences'' "when are you going to do something about writing" "i am waiting to read something published by you" "just do it" ... it's endless.

So hey! I may not meet up to expectations, this may turn out to be a boring blog ( i hope not), but like the saying - "nothing ventured, nothing gained". I make no promises, all i want is an avenue to write, and have fun while doing so.

So to Angiebama, Gbolly, Rotimi, Kareel, 'My Inlaw', Bonnee, Kalie, Joy, Rele, Ikenna, and of course dear Hubby, to everyone that has ever encouraged me to put pen to paper, to you all ..I say THANK YOU.

Yay!!! I did it.  First Blog.